Juani O'Reilly

Heartbreak to Hope Walk

My Activity Tracking


My target 150 kms

Support my walk for kids facing cancer.

Every month in Australia, 88 children are diagnosed with cancer. 

For those families, their lives are changed forever. Cancer puts families under enormous pressure. It can feel like it’s impossible to hold it together.

This June, I am taking part in the Heartbreak to Hope Walk to raise funds for Redkite to provide emotional, financial and practical support and care to families facing childhood cancer.

Please sponsor me by making a donation to support my walk. 

Together, we can show these children and their families that they don't have to face cancer alone and support them as they face the toughest time of their lives.

Thank you.

My Achievements

My personal pledge to help kids facing cancer

Uploaded my profile picture to my page

Shared my page on Facebook

Raised $53 to provide a group support session for a family

Raised $152 to provide a counselling session for 1 child facing cancer

Raised $304 to provide counselling sessions for 2 children facing cancer

Raised $530 to provide group support sessions for 10 families

Raised $810 to keep the lights on and put food on the table

Raised $1000 to earn a place in the Hall of Fame

Logged my first kilometres

Achieved 25% of my KM goal

Achieved 50% of my KM goal

Reached my KM goal

My Updates

12 July update, more funds coming in, yippee

Friday 12th Jul
Hello Family and friends,
Well two donations came in this week. A  shout out of THANKS to JohnMcFarlane and John Kirubaithilkan. 

News from RedKite below 

We officially raised $277,452 for kids and families facing childhood cancer, Juani! What a result 🤩

These funds will keep the lights on and food on the table for 341 families as they navigate their challenging cancer journey.

This is all thanks to you, Juani. With your incredible support, families will continue to receive emotional, practical and financial support during the toughest time of their lives.

Hannah, who you heard from earlier in the challenge, took part right alongside you. 

"We did the Heartbreak to Hope walk because we were one of the families in need of support. We wanted to do our part to give back in any way we could and it was such an incredible way to be able to remember our beautiful Mila and raise money and awareness for this incredible charity" 

Family and friends, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything, encouragement, support, walking with me and your generosity for my Heartbreak to Hope walk. Don’t forget my fund raising page will remain open till the end of July.



Message received from Shaw and Partners about our awesome efforts

Tuesday 9th Jul

Hello family and friends, 

We have a message from Shaw and Partners who matched some of our Heartbreak to Hope walk  donations and I had to share, because I couldn’t have done it without your encouragement, support and generosity. 


Congrats on your amazing effort over the June challenge- both from a fund raising and kms walked perspective.

I loved the way you were updating on a daily basis and keeping everyone involved and informed.

This is something we will look to do more of next year from our end, maybe we will get to Canberra and have a walk with you !

Congratulations again on your incredible efforts.


Mark Palmer 
Senior Private Wealth Adviser

Level 47, 108 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 Australia 
T: +61 8 9263 5234 | M: +61 439 976 518 |mark.palmer@shawandpartners.com.au 

Thank you again family and friends and don’t forget my fund raising page is open for donations till the end of the month.



Sunday 7th Jul
Hello Family and Friends, 

We have just just received a new donation from Anonymous. Nice work! Thank you very much who ever you are.

So, family and friends , we have raised a whooping $13,504.53 so far in the Heartbreak to Hope Walk to help kids and families facing childhood cancer.

Thank you everyone. Remember the fund raising page will remain open this month and you can donate .

2 July big shout out of thanks to matched donations

Tuesday 2nd Jul
My goodness I forgot to express my thanks  to Shaw and Partners who matched your donations on certain days during June. Matched donations to the value of $1,521.50, woohoo. Thank you Shaw and Partners for increasing our HeartBreak to Hope funding bucket to support RedKite services. Appreciate your support. Thank you so much Juani


Matched By Shaw And Partners

My goodness I forgot to express my thanks to Shaw and Partners who matched some of your donations. They matched donations to the value of $1,521.50 . Thank you so much

Day 30 - what an incredible month

Monday 1st Jul
Hello family and friends
What an incredible month and I am so grateful for all the support, encouragement, kindness and generosity received during my Heartbreak to Hope walk. Thanks to those who came walking with me, I have a new loud pink hat to add to my collection, thank you and a enormous thank you to each of you that donated, some even more than once.

Every day three families in Australia, hear their child has cancer. Some of the vital services that RedKite provide include:
* Counselling - helping adults and children through every stage of the cancer experience.
* Helping pay bills, groceries, and petrol when the budget is tight.
* Social work - holistic support facing the challenges caused by childhood cancer.
* Music therapy to build resilience.
* Support with grief and bereavement 
* Financial assistance for funerals. 

Today a big shout of THANKS to the following individuals: Lyn Milburn, Kim and Mike Ward, Luisa Coates, Tarquin Beresford-Wylie ( 2nd donation) and two anonymous donations.

Remember you kindness and generosity is changing someone’s world. Our efforts bring HOPE to families who have a child with cancer. 

Well I suppose you all wanted to know the tallies. Today is was miserable in Canberra and I only walked 3km. My target for kms was 150kms and incredibly I have managed to walk 206km, woohoo.  When I committed to this walk my fund raising target was $1,000.  I am over the moon to tell you, drum roll please, we have raised an incredible $13, 448.61. Truely amazing.

Thank you for being there for me, every step of the way. I couldn’t do it without you, family and friends and I am incredibly grateful . Thanks for coming on this incredible journey with me. My warmest thanks Juani

Day 29 Update

Sunday 30th Jun
Hello family and friends,
Well it was 3 degrees on my walk this morning but the sun was out, yippee. I walked 7.5km. Walked with my friend Jones around Lake Ginninderra. I’ve walked a massive 202kms this month and haven’t lost any weight, hooray. 
A comment from a follower
“ Hi Juani, Reading your blog (or day walk information) has been amazing, you are one tough bird. Very inspiring, made me think I should start walking on a regular basis.”

I am delighted to let you know we have $12, 668 in our Heartbreak to Hope RedKite bucket.  Your support means more than you know. My warmest thanks to everyone. Today is the last date for any donations, would be amazing to reach $13,000

Day 28 New Flash

Saturday 29th Jun
Hello beautiful family and friends, well only two days to go. I walked 3kms today for my Heartbreak to Hope walk, bringing my total kms to a whooping 195 km this month, plan to walk 5km today (29 June) and rest day on 30 June.)

Some funds trickled in, in the last 24 hours. Remember your kindness is changing someone’s world. Today a big shout out of THANK YOU SO MUCH to the following individuals: Steve Uhe, Mick Richardson, Liz Forge, Janet Papas, Katrina Gregoriou (second donation) and Kerry Morrison. 

Thanks to your kindness and generosity, I am very excited to announce , we have $12, 626 in our RedKite bucket to help fund crucial support programs to make sure that RedKite can continue offering practical, evidence based support for the long run. We are first on the leader board with Mark Palmer only $367 behind us, would be so awesome to reach $13,000. So thank you everyone, if anyone could donate again, even a small amount to get us to $13,000, I would be over the moon. THANK YOU EVERYONE! Kids with cancer can be such a sad time, but with all of you and many others efforts HOPE is certainly on the horizon.

Team Update later today

Day 27 awesome day with matching of donations, read all about it

Friday 28th Jun
Dear family and friends,
Well to say I am excited is an understatement. I wanted to let you know, thanks to your kindness and generosity family and friends, we have, dum roll please, $12,251 in our RedKite bucket to fund their crucial programs. I am so, so happy, thank you everyone for supporting me. Couldn’t do it without.

Sadly my team mate Linda has COVID and we all wish her a speedy recovery. I walked 5kms today bringing my total to 192km, I will make it to 200km and have donated $1 for every extra km walked, still seeking others to match me, any takers?

Today I would especially like to thank the following individuals. Yesterday morning all I wanted was $10,000 in our RedKite bucket, thanks to the generosity from Kathryn and Peter Widdowson of a gigantic $820 donation, we reached that target. I annoyed you all yesterday to get more $$s in our RedKite bucket and you were all kind and generous. A big shout of THANKS to: Lynne and Jake (for their third donation, yes you can give more than once), Delia Quigley (second donation ), Gene O’Reilly, Julie Jones, Karen McDevitt, John Hedges, Kerrie &Rick Bawden, Margaret Brennan, Mac O’Reilly, Dan and Anne Devlin, Geoff Hazel, Chris Ward (From Award Electrical and Security Services. Be nice to Tarquin he’s a great guy and we want him to live in Perth), Anonymous individuals,  and my wonderful team mate Linda D’Arsie. 

Thank you so much everyone, thanks doesn’t seem enough. I am truly grateful for your support and encouragement. Thanks for bringing HOPE to families who have a child with cancer. Can’t do it without you.

So we have $12,251 in our RedKite bucket, can we make it to $13000 and spread our HOPE? Please, Please, please

Day 26- received loud beanie

Thursday 27th Jun
Hello family and friends, 
Crazy day but managed to walk 4kms with this gorgeous girl. Yes I have a new very loud beanie, thank you Fiona Lovegrove and Russell Williams ,it does keep my head warm.

Big shout out to the Benalla Rat, Simon. He had a small win in Lotto and donated it to my Heartbreak to Hope walk, thank you so much Simon, every little bit helps. Anybody else had a small win that they could donate ? So I’ve walked 186 km so far this month, we, you wonderful kind and generous family and friends, have $9,253 in our RedKite bucket, so I just need another $747 to reach my target. And don’t forget today all donations on line will be doubled for 24 hrs. Thank you to each and everyone that has supported me in my fund raising efforts , you are all wonderful human beings, making sure RedKite can be there every step of the way- from the initial shock of diagnosis, throughout treatment, and when needed, RedKite’s bereavement support is there, to listen with respect and care. THANK YOU

Day 25, I need your help - I am short $803

Wednesday 26th Jun
Hello Family and friends
Busy day so only managed 3kms today, total walked to date is 182km. I have $9,197 in the Heartbreak to Hope, RedKite bucket, would be awesome to reach my target of $10,000. If you have a spare $10 please pop it in my bucket.

Thank you everyone for your support, kindness and generosity.  Your generosity so far has helped 1. Put food on the table when parents must give up work to care for their sick children. 2. Children with cancer and their families adjust to life during treatment and beyond with the help of a RedKite Social Worker 3. Rural and remote families get to hospital at a moments notice with fuel vouchers.

Only four days to go, thank you everyone

Day 24 Team Update

Tuesday 25th Jun
Hello family and friends 
Walked with these two yesterday morning and it was cold, minus three. Walked in the afternoon also and got to 15 kms, yippee.

Team update, the Just Beat It team has raised $11,317 and walked  453 km. Shout out to Linda who has walked an amazing 182 km, 32 km over her target and has raised $1,507. Mali has walked 92 km and only has 8km to go to reach her target and she has raised $172 and is getting close to reaching her target of $200. I have walked 179 km, 29 km over my target and raised $9,196.87.

Thank you everyone for your support, kindness and generosity.  Your generosity so far has helped 1. Put food on the table when parents must give up work to care for their sick children. 2. Children with cancer and their families adjust to life during treatment and beyond with the help of a RedKite Social Worker 3. Rural and remote families get to hospital at a moments notice with fuel vouchers.

Only five days to go, thank you everyone

23 June 2024 yes I am still walking , still seeking dollar matching please

Sunday 23rd Jun
Hello family friends , I walked 5 kms today at the Kingston Wetlands with my fiend Marvin and the weather was nice for a change.

I am donating $1 for every extra km I walk beyond my target of 150kms and I seeking anyone to match me.

We have $9088.20 in our Hearbreak to Hope bucket and today a big shout out of THANK YOU SO MUCH to Stick and Nada. Thanks you for supporting me and giving hope to families with a child with cancer

Day 22 - Yippee reached my km target

Saturday 22nd Jun
Hello family and friends,
I am excited I’ve reached my 150km target, well in fact I’ve walked 159km to date. Walked 12.5 today, this morning with my friend Jones and this afternoon with team mate Mali. So happy, I won’t have to walk in the freezing cold.

I am staggered by your generosity and kindness. My Heartbreak to Hope bucket has $8,762 to help fund crucial support programs to make sure that RedKite can continue offering practical, evidence based support for the long run. THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE THAT HAS CONTRIBUTED.

So I have reached my km target but not my $$$ target, so for every km I walk over 150km, I will donate $1 to my fundraising efforts. Who will join me in donating $1 for each extra km I walk? Any takers? Thank you everyone for you encouragement and support, couldn’t have done it without, I am truly grateful.

Seeking takers to match my $1 for each extra km walked.

Day 21 - COR for all my retired work colleagues

Friday 21st Jun
Well it was wet and cold this morning, so decided no walking this morning. Dental appointment, yuk, all good, teeth cleaned and feeling nice.

Walked 4kms today, so my totally for walking is 147 kms, amazing, 3kms to go to meet my target.

Fundraising bucket is looking healthy $8,762. I would be over the moon if we could reach my target of $10,000. That would be a dream come true for me this year, after my cancer journey, don’t know how children do it.

Today I want to say a special thank you to my youngest sponsors, my great nieces, Elle Herbert, aged 7 years and Bo Herbert ,aged 5 years, you girls are awesome, love spending time with you. Thank you so much for your donation 

Today I would like to shout out a BIG THANK YOU to the following individuals, the Westgate family (nice neighbours) , two face book donations, Judy Neilands ( from my Camino walk), Brian Dunn (Prang Gang), Dominic Bakker ( from my Timor Leste days), Greg Ranse ( Belconnen Crime days), Nancy Clarke ( my U3A Spanish class) and my lovely girlfriend Lynne and her husband Jake (Lynne and I were friends in high school and are still. She was a nurse and worked in the Children’s oncology unit at the Canberra Hospital, I don’t know how she did it, love her)

Haven’t reached my $$ target, so please help if you can, lots of $10s can make a world of difference to a family struggling financially as they have a child with cancer. 

Just click on the link below

THANK YOU FOR YOU KINDNESS AND GENEROSITY. I am so pleased with what we have been able to raise, but hey we raised $20,000 for Crop-A -Cop so you could see my shaved head. Can we make $10,000 for Heartbreak to Hope to support families with a child with cancer. Family and friends, I think we can ! But I cannot do it without you ( and if you make a donation I will send you a pic of my new bald head and regrowth , you’ll love it. 

Thanks everyone 

Day 20 - Muchas gracias

Thursday 20th Jun
Hello family and friends
Well I can’t believe that we have raised $8626.96 in the Heartbreak to Hope walk to help kids and families facing childhood cancer.

Big shout of THANKS to the following individuals: Hiro Noda, Chris Hyland, Louisa Kelland, Liz McDonald, Mandy Rolfe, Judy Taylor, Raphael Dingli, Karen Sutherland, Marlene McCelland, Leanne Taylor, Angelo O’Reilly, Harry Hains, Heather Jackson, David O’Meara,Donna Billinghust and Amy Hemsworth.


Day 20 - Rest Day

Thursday 20th Jun
Rest day for me.

We've got 10 days left of the Heartbreak to Hope Walk (we can't believe how quickly it's gone!)

A Simply ask could 10 people donate $10 to boost my fundraising!
$10 doesn't sound like a lot...but it's amazing how far $10 donated by 10 people can go. 
$100 can put food on the table when a parent stops working to be by their child's bedside as they go through cancer treatment ❤️
Small amounts make such a huge impact, Juani.

Day 19 so cold.

Wednesday 19th Jun
Oh my goodness so cold this morning on my walk with my buddy Barry at Lake Ginninderra , horrible..I’ve walked 8.6 kms woohoo We have $8,361 in our bucket for my Walk  Heartbreak to Hope. and I am exhausted . Would love my bucket  to be $9,000. Sorry team, need to have some rest days, radiation has knocked me

Day 17 - I am thankful for today

Monday 17th Jun
Hello Family and Friends, wow, the RedKite bucket for the walk Heartbreak to Hope is filling nicely. Today I want to thank the following individuals for providing hope to families who have a child under going cancer treatment , which is revolting from my experience. A special thanks to : Dian S, Sirpa F, Julie, Sally Stephen, Cath Garnock, Elaine Perry, Peter Grabosky , David Luke ( he has made super grow, yippee) , Ann McEvoy, Joe Pelle, Tony Bevan, Malcolm O.’Leary, Geoff Hazel, Liz McDonald, Lesley Coulon and an extra shout out to Shaws and Partners for matching two of the donations, thank you 

Tomorrow I will provide team update on where we sit on the leadervboard, remembering we are a team of three, some teams will only have one member, other teams will have lots. 

But we don’t care The ‘Just Beat It ! are awesome . Thank you supporters for giving hope and generous donors for your dollars and to my wonderful team mates. You, my supporters, family, friends and generous donors, can’t do this without you . THANK YOU

Day 17 - too cold to walk this morning

Monday 17th Jun
Hello family and friends, well I wasn’t walking this morning, minus 2 , so I walked this afternoon, got 5kms in, so my totally to date is a whopping 128 kms and am I happy, yes indeed. And the RetKite bucket has a few extra bucks in it, thank you generous friends, the tally in the bucket is now standing at $7,850. Would be so cool to make it $8,000. So grateful to all my family and friends for your kindness which brings hope to families with a child suffering from cancer. THANK YOU SO MUCH

Day 16 - I was slack today

Sunday 16th Jun
Hello family and friends,

Didn’t walk far today,  it was a crazy day. Made mandarin jam this morning as my friend Barry gave me so many mandarins. Then WhatsApp conversation with my friend in Chile. Then Michelle Taylor come for lunch, haven’t seen her in years as she took a position in Darwin, so good to see her.

Walked with team member Mali this afternoon and Chuti joined us. Mali and I love this photo as our legs are indeed very long. LOL

Well I walked a total of 5kms today bringing my total Kms to 123kms, got to be happy with that, only 27kms to reach my target.  Thank you family and friends for your encouragement and support, it keeps me walking.

Fund raising, Yes more funds in my RedKite bucket in the last 24 hours. Thanks to my very generous donors, we have $7,717. Woohoo. 

The ‘Just Beat It Team ! has raised $9,745. Would be so good if we could make it $10,000

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend , where ever you are in the world


Day 15 - Expression of thanks

Saturday 15th Jun
I wanted to thank my wonderful supporters and those that have contributed to my fund raising efforts towards my HeartBreak to Hope walk which is supporting RedKite to ensure they can help families who have a child suffering from cancer.

Today I would like to thank Linda Muir, Deb Sheehan, Carol Crivici, Wayne Comyn, Ingrid Kuster, Ally Wight, Tracey Duggan, Denise Lord and Mandy Rolfe. 

Thank you, so much for helping RedKite to support families who have a child with cancer

Thank you doesn’t seem enough

Day 15 - Walk and fund raising report

Saturday 15th Jun
Well today the wind was icy and damp, if there is not snow on the mountains, it is not far off. Walked 5km this morning with my mate Jones around Lake Ginninderra, then a very well deserved coffee. This afternoon I walked around my suburb and found this sign which made me smile. Total kms for today was 12km, total kms since the commencement of ‘Heartbreak to Hope ‘ walk 118kms, only 32kms to go to reach my goal.

More funds have rolled in, thank you beautiful people. We have $7,557 in the bucket. But the bucket is not full yet, if you could donate to my Heartbreak to Hope walk to support the RedKite, who do amazing work with families who have a child with cancer, I would be most grateful.

Thank you family and friends

Day 14 walk and fundraising update

Friday 14th Jun
Crazy morning with my friend Rebecca. She came for breakfast and arrived in her very warm Ugg boots, all the way up to her knees. She walks in the door and realises she forgot her runners. Lucky I had a spare pair. We walked Mulligans Flat in Forde this morning. Temperature was 4 degrees, much better than yesterday and kangaroos everywhere. Very pleasant walk Rebecca, and thanks for joining me. We had a coffee at the pub and Rebecca was in fine form advising me my age was on my beanie, hah, I wish. 

Walked again this afternoon, total kms for today is 9km, so I have walked 106km to date with only 44kms to go to reach my target, oh I can’t wait.

Family and friends I am overwhelmed with your generosity and kindness. We have $7,501 in our bucket to give to RedKite, awesome effort everyone, thank you so much. 

As I have hit you all, to support me and contribute to RedKite who are supporting families facing childhood cancer - a cause close to my heart, I would like to ask a favour, I’d love it if you could share my fund raising page with your family and friends, in the hope we can get more funds so RedKite can continue their vital work. THANK YOU

Thanks for reading my update, enjoy your weekend and stay healthy and away from all those winter bugs.

Day 14 Hope is a powerful force - thanks for the encouragement

Friday 14th Jun
Hope is a powerful force that drives us forward in the face of adversity.

Families who have a child with cancer “Hang onto Hope”.

Today I wanted to thank all my supporters for their words of encouragement, thank you so very much, and I wish to share some of them with you.

You are an amazing, inspirational, strong woman. Muy valiente y te deseamos buena suerte. Gr8 job mate, nearly there. Well done, walking for  great cause. You are such a beautiful person. I know you can do this, it’s a great cause. Always happy to support my lovely Juani. You are truely inspirational, good luck. You’re such a trooper, good luck with it all. To one of the strongest women I know, what a meaningful cause to be walking for, sending lots of love and support.


Day 13 - walk and fund raising update

Thursday 13th Jun
Today is was minus 1 on my walk. Why did they pick the month of June? My lovely friend Carita and her dog joined me. We walked part of the Pinnacle at Hawker and then I snuck in some kms this afternoon. Total distance for today was 7km, total distance covered to date is 97km, only 53 km to go, thank goodness.

Family and friends I cannot thank you enough for your kindness, we have raised $6,819, thank you so much. It will be wonderful to know RedKite can continue their support to families who have a child undergoing cancer treatment , yuk. 

I can’t do this without !  Cheers

Day 13 Thank you

Thursday 13th Jun
Owing to your generosity I have increased my target $$$$$. We are nearly at $7,000. It would be awesome to reach that target. And don’t forget all donations today will be matched.

I am so grateful to my supporters and those who have contributed. Big shout out of THANKS to the following individuals  Cameron Harris, Selina Peck, Sue & David Black, Trace Jiggins,  Teresa Mitchell, Sue Lalor and Deb Tait.

I can’t thank all of you enough

12 June - No kms today

Wednesday 12th Jun
Hello All
No walking for me today, I went to Fiona Hedges née Crombie’s funeral and when I got home, I didn’t feel like it. Fiona got a wonderful  send off.

So my totals, have walked 90km with 60km to go. My generous sponsors we have $6,734.42 yippee.

Today I would like to thank the following individuals for their generosity in supporting my HeartBreak to Hope walk and raising funds to ensure RedKite can continue with their vital support programs.

A big shout of THANK YOU - Yvonne & Alwyn Paul, Michelle Taylor, Steve Kirby, David O’Mara, Ros Drummond, Tarquin Bersford Wylie, Con Coutsolitis, Waseem, Simon Bartholomew and Maria O’Reilly & Peter McDonald. 


11 June thank you and please read team update.

Tuesday 11th Jun
Hello everyone , Today I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to the following individuals who have supported me during my Heartbreak to Hope walk and helped me meet my fundraising target to support RedKite who help families who have a child suffering from cancer. Team mate Linda and her family have experienced RedKite support.

Carmen & Todd Brown, Margaret McDonald (from my 3A Spainish  class, who. I haven’t met yet) , Karen Drake, 
Bill and Margaret  Bush,  Lesa Hallissy, David Harrison, Mark Kennedy, Chris & Lee , Jarrett and Felipe O’Reilly

Day 10 Thank you

Monday 10th Jun
Redkite gives families the strength they need to face childhood cancer. Holding it together when your child’s life is in question can feel impossible. Redkite provides practical, emotional and financial support for families who have a child with cancer, so they don’t have to face it alone.

So I would now like to list a few of my wonderful supporters and sponsors. A big shout of thank  you to Libby & Paul Jevtovic, Deb and Len Parish, Jenny Fleming all the way from Southampton in England, Gail Cantle, Sandra Savage,   Charlie Roberts, Ines & Oscar, Carita & Rene, Gail Freeman & Co Pty Ltd and Marilyn Steele. 

Thank you for supporting me with this challenge and  providing funds to RedKite. 

Day 10 Rest day

Monday 10th Jun
Rest day but I did walk 3kms. Family and friends you are very generous, thank you so much. So I have walked 80.3kms to date and gosh only 69.7 km to go. And the funds are still rolling in $6,357 on my page the Just Beat It! Team page is sitting at $7,727. Thank you everyone for supporting the Just Beat It ! Team. Come on Linda and Mali.

Day 9 Update

Sunday 9th Jun
Hello family and friends, well the wind was very cold in Canberra and I was feeling tired today but managed 5.1 km,  bringing my total kms to 77km and am excited I got my 50% to KM goal badge. Just over half way woohoo. 

Walked the Gungaderra Grasslands today and won’t be doing that for a while as it is closed from tomorrow until 31 July to safely undertake kangaroo management .

And more funds have arrived, thank you to all my sponsors $5,978, woohoo.  The Just Beat It! Has raised $7,237. Well done team.

 So good that RedKite can provide a lifeline for kids facing cancer. Really appreciate your support, please dig deep if you haven’t already donated. Heartbreak to Hope walk and fundraising efforts can change lives with RedKite.

Day 8 update

Saturday 8th Jun
Two walks today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon with my team mate Mali. Walked 12 kms today, yippee. In 8 days I have walked  71.6kms. Only 78.4 kms to go. Looking forward to getting my 50% kms badge.  

Thank you to the lovely lady who donated when I first started and again yesterday. You know who you are.

If you haven’t yet donated to my RedKite fundraiser, please do, to help fund Redkite’s crucial support programs.

I can’t do this without your support.

Thanks everyone 

Day 7

Friday 7th Jun
Today walked 5.5km with my dear friend Rebecca. Total distance to date 54km, got my 25% to km goal badge woohoo. Only 96kms to go. $80 short on my target to support RedKite. Who can help?

Day 4 update from Mali

Tuesday 4th Jun
Hi Juani,
Thank you so much for donating to the Heartbreak to Hope Walk, and helping families find the support they need in the face of their child’s cancer diagnosis. 
You’re helping make sure that Redkite can be there every step of the way - from the initial shock of diagnosis, throughout treatment, and, when needed Redkite’s bereavement support is there to listen with respect and care.
I’m excited to tell you I’ve raised $110.08 to help fund crucial support programs to make sure that Redkite can continue offering practical, evidence-based support for the long run.

I couldn’t do this without you
Thanks again

Go “Just Beat It ! Team. Great job Mali. Please support our efforts


Day 3

Monday 3rd Jun
Freezing and rain this morning so, opted for an afternoon walk. Managed 7.1 km today with a total distance to date being 27.6 km, only 122.4km to reach my goal of 150km. Family and friends thank you for your generosity.  We have raised $3,225 for kids with cancer. My goal $3,500, let’s hope we get there. Hope to provide team update tomorrow. Thank you again for your support. My walk today in pictured. 

Day 2

Sunday 2nd Jun
Well I pulled up ok after yesterday’s walk. Today I managed 8.5 km, pleased with that. Mali whom you will get to know soon (some of you know her, she cooks me amazing Sri Lankan curries and I don’t have to cook, wonderful neighbour) . Mali and I headed to Hall and walked part of the One Tree Hill walk, amazing views. So Let’s Beat It ! Team update on raising funds for children and their families with cancer. Team goal is $4200 we have $3575 so we want more please. Thank you to all our wonderful sponsors, anonymous, face book and identified, we as a team very much appreciate your support. I am hoping team member Mali will give us an update tomorrow on how her husband is supporting  her fund raising efforts. Mali don’t disappoint our very excited audience please . 

Update from team member Linda

Sunday 2nd Jun
I wanted to introduce you to my very good friend Linda, we went to the same high school and been friends for too many years. Linda used to live in Canberra but when she retired she moved to the Sunshine Coast.

She is part of the Let’s Beat It !

Her beautiful granddaughter Ella’s fight against cancer began in July 2022 after she was diagnosed with a Ute lymphoblastic leukaemia, with a tumour found in her chest. She spent her 11th birthday in the Sydney Children’s Hospital in Randwick.

Please support Linda with her fund raising efforts 

Day 1

Saturday 1st Jun
Out with Team member Mali. Walked 5kms this morning arouund Lake Ginninderra. It was freezing. This afternoon 6.5 km with Mali and of course Chuti (dog) had to join us and chase and bark at all the birds. Well done Mali, see you tomorrow afternoon for another adventure

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kathryn And Peter Widdowson

Juani .. Bless you for walking 150 km for such an amazing charity . Kids with cancer can be such a sad time but with your and many others efforts hope is certainly on the horizon.


Gail Cantle

You are my hero! Besos!


Bill And Mary Bush

Glad to be able to contribute a round sum of $200.


Carmen & Todd Brown

Your an amazing, inspirational, strong woman


Malcolm O’leary

Great that you are taking on this challenge Juani.


Sandra Savage

Your amazing Juani. Great charity


Christopher Ward

From Award Electrical and Security Services. Be nice to Tarquin he's a great guy and we want him to.live in Perth


Matched Donation


Michelle Taylor

You are amazing. Keep smiling.


Karen Drake

You are amazing.! Good luck with everything.


Margaret Mcdonald

I wish you all the best with your walk and, most importantly, with your recovery.


Tarquin Beresford-wylie


Matched Donation



More than happy to donate to a good cause ❤️


Charlie Roberts




Matched Donation


Great Work

Great work.


Ingrid Kuster

Wonderful cause Juani.


Kerrie Bawden


Matched Donation


Marilyn Steele

On behalf of my very dear friend Juani O'Reilly


John Hedges

Go hard and fast.


Matched Donation


Karen And Ben Mcdevitt

Hey girl, congratulations.. fantastic work… happy to donate 👍💕


Matched Donation


Sally Stephens

Go Juani!


Jenny Fleming

Well done you - you are an amazing person.


Ines & Oscar

Muy valiente Juanita y te deseamos buena suerte


Geoff Hazel




Louisa Kelland

Wishing you nothing but the very best, Juani


Peter Aitken


Alex Garnock

Dear Juani, wishing you all the very best with the walk. Go Girl! Love, Cath


Lesa Hallissy

You go girl, great cause


Benalla Brat


Rene Konrad


Louise Vizard

Gr8 job mate. Nearly yhere. 👏🏻🖖🏻🥰



Well done Juani for walking on such a great cause....


Libby & Paul

Go go go Juani!


Gail Freeman & Co Pty Ltd

Go Juani


Deb And Len Patish

Go Juani 👏👏👏👏👏


Tarquin Beresford-wylie


Anne Hazell

Good luck. Looks like your close to your goal 😊


David Harrison

Great cause Juani and good luck the walk.



Brilliant work Juani. With love




Maria Oreilly

Great cause



Amazing Juani !


Immaculada O'reilly


Peter G

Goodonya Juani !!


Matched Donation


David Luke

You are truely inspirational, good luck!


Roslyn Drummond

Well done team. Congratulations on meeting your target.


Hiro & Family

What a wonderful cause! We are so proud of you Juani! Sending you lots of love from our family



Good on you Juani



You are exceptional my beautiful giving friend. 💜 Your strength, commitment and tenacity when you are on a mission is beyond inspiration. I love you lots ❤️


Matched Donation


Giuseppe Pelle


Ann Mcevoy

Great effort Juani. You go girl!


Chris Mckay




Kerry Morrison


Gabriella Kilfoyle


Facebook Donation





Go Juani!


Lynjake Ocallaghan

Go girls




Tony Bevan


Bec Forge

I am so proud of you and the amazing women that you are. Love you girlfriend


Linda Meisel

Halfway there! You go girl.


Linda Muir

Well Done Juani


Greg Ranse

Thanks Juani and good luck with the walking


Edward B-w


Louise Mcdonough

Such a great cause Juani - you go girl!


Dan Devlin


Matched Donation


F Oreilly

Good luck and happy walking!


Amy Hemsworth


Dominic Bakker

Good for you, Juani!


Donna Billinghurst

Sending love Juani


Brian Dunn


Benalla Brat


Judy Neilands

All power to you Juani


David O’meara


Geoff Hazel

just helping






Heather Jackson


Lynjake Ocallaghan

You and your team are amazing


Matched Donation


Peter Kirubaithilakan

Hi Juani, good on you for doing this. Hope my contribution is large enough.


Selina Peck

So proud of you Juani and what a great cause!


Wayne C


Brian Peck

Happy to support you and this cause Go you legend 👍🏻❤️


Deb Tait

You’re such a trooper, Juani. Good luck with it all.


Liz Forge

Lots of love from Liz and Nick


Matched Donation





To one of the strongest woman I know, what a meaningful cause to be walking for. Sending lots of love and support.


Deborah Sheehan

So proud of you Juani. It’s such a tough life changing journey going thru cancer. Sending lots of love and a Craig angel for your shoulder 💜


Cameron Harris


Julia Herbert

Go Juani!!!! Love Elle and Bo!


Martin Leonard


Sue Lalor

Well done Juani





I’m so proud of you Juani. I know you can do this. It goes to a great cause.


Stephen Uhe


Matched Donation


Jo-anne Bauer


Margaret Brennan

You and Linda are doing a fantastic job


Matched Donation



Reckon I will walk 200km, 50km over my target. So donating $1 for every km over my 150km. Hoping someone will match me


Matched Donation


Delia Quigley

Cancer is insidious!


Rosanne Brand

You’re remarkable!


Nada Krsti



Keep up the great work Juani. This is a huge achievement for you, especially given all your own personal challenges this year. Love and best wishes are with you. Hoping you achieve your goal.


Matched Donation


The Crivici/nelson Family

Good luck Juani, we absolutely know you will achieve your goal ❤️


Jonathan Jones

Wonderful to see you out walking Juani


Susan And David Black.

How wonderful you are Juani! We are filled with admiration xxx


Liz Mcdonald

You are incredible Juani xx



Good luck with your worthy efforts and for a full recovery


Con Coutso

Wishing you all the best


Trace Jiggins

Go girl!


Facebook Donation


Olga Vareskic

Always happy to support you, my lovely Juani!!! 🩷


Dian S


Sirpa F





Facebook Donation


Tracey Duggan


Matched By Shaw And Partners


Ann Ertzen

Good luck Juani - you're almost there with the money!


Cath Grassick


Lynjake Ocallaghan

Great effort juani


Leanne Taylor

What a great cause. Good on you.


Marlene Mcclelland

Good luck and well done for choosing to support kids with cancer.


Karen Sutherland

Your a beautiful person :)


Lyn Milburn

Hope it helps


Matched Donation


Matthew Javi

Great cause


Gene O'reilly


Matched Donation



Great cause 🙏🏾


Judy Taylor



Respect for turning a shitty situation into a better one, and thinking of others. You make the world a much nicer place xx


Matched Donation




Matched Donation


Raphael Dingli

Hey Juani. Hope you make the target. Chat later close to the next weekend


Katrina Gregoriou

You’re an absolute WINNER Juani🏆💕🥰 !!!


Matched Donation


Janet Papas


Matched Donation


Luisa Coates


Matched Donation



Great work, all the best!




Matched Donation



You got this xx



Well done Juani


Mandy Rolfe


Kim Ward


Matched Donation


Katrina Gregoriou

Good on you Juani 😍 you’re doing great!!💕




Ally Wight


Chris Hyland

You're amazing Juani x


Lesley Coulon

Good on you Juani


Fiona Lovegrove

Juani, you are amazing!

I am walking 150km for kids facing cancer